Choir! Choir! Choir! David Bowie tribute event at the AGO Goes Viral!

david-bowieThis past Saturday night, the AGO was trending in North America while more than 500 people raised their voices in a Bowie choral tribute at the Gallery. 

As choirmasters Nobu Adilman and Daveed Goldman from Choir! Choir! Choir! led a chorus of Space Oddity, one of Bowie’s most beloved songs, in three-part harmony, the AGO’s social media feeds saw a significant number of likes and shares immediately.
Our Periscope broadcast (an app that allows Twitter users to tune in to a live feed) caught the attention of the head of Twitter Canada, Kirstine Stewart, who let us know that they were promoting the video as a featured Periscope post — which is sent to every person in the world on the app.
From that moment until the video expired Sunday evening, the broadcast garnered over a million likes (1,043,283) and nearly 100,000 replays. The engagement was so high that on Sunday night the co-founder and CEO of Twitter (global), Jack Dorsey, re-tweeted it.
Engagement was also high on our other social media platforms:
·   Facebook posts – 150,000 likes
·   Instagram posts –1500 likes
Over the weekend the AGO gained almost 1000 new Twitter followers, and close to 7000 Periscope followers.
Click here to watch a Youtube video that captured some of the magic. Congratulations to everyone who pulled together so quickly to make this happen!