Despite the three-week delay due to a surprise gas leak on Dundas St, a good time was had by all at this year’s Volunteer Annual Gathering, held (finally) on October 26. Volunteers from all departments, both current and “alumni”, enjoyed truffled popcorn, gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, various libations and great conversation.
Judy Koke (Chief, Public Programming and Learning) and Alicia Vandermeer (Chief Organization Officer & Corporate Secretary) gave an upbeat update on the gallery and thanked the volunteers on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Volunteer President Debbie Kennedy noted the 70th anniversary of the AGO Volunteer department and presented a beautiful commemorative booklet that was later given out to attendees.
The event wrapped up with distribution of door prizes; winners went home with gift certificates, exhibition catalogues, and gift baskets donated by Frank restaurant, Jim Sheddon (Manager of Publishing) and Above Ground Art Supplies. Many thanks to Debbie, the party planning committee, the Volunteer Executive, and SVR staff for putting on another outstanding party!