Toronto Symphony Orchestra Partners with AGO on Exciting New Project!

Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin Le Trayas: matin, temps grist 1907 Gift of Sam and Ayala Zacks

Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin Le Trayas: matin, temps grist 1907 Gift of Sam and Ayala Zacks

The Decades Project: 1900-1909 is the first in a planned series of installations organized by the AGO and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.

Designed to bring together visual art and music to reveal how artists and musicians expressed both the optimism and scepticism of their time, this project displays a major work from the AGO’s collection in response to a music composition created within the same decade. Visit the current show to experience French Impressionist Armand Guillaumin’s view of the sea painted in 1907, while listening to Debussy’s La Mer.
This project will offer a free chamber music concert by the TSO Chamber Soloists in Walker Court. Members will receive a discount to two symphony performances offered within the TSO current season at Roy Thomson Hall, which are followed by an onstage discussion about Debussy and Guillaumin afterward with Kenneth Brummel, the AGO’s Assistant Curator of Modern Art.
For more information, visit Decades Project