Annual Flu Shot Clinic at the AGO – Register Now to get your Flu shot at the Gallery

fluGet your flu shot this season at our annual AGO flu clinic being held on Thursday, November 19th. The clinic is open to all AGO staff and volunteers.

· Thursday, November 19
· 9 am – 3 pm
· Volunteer Centre

Space is limited so register early – click here to book your appointment online. (please be sure to not book at a time already selected by another participant) 

Bookings will occur every 4 minutes between 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Participants are asked to remain in the area for 15 minutes after the shot so please allow 20 minutes in all for your vaccination.

Before you arrive for your appointment, please review the Flu Shot Fact Sheet and the Consent Form.

The Ontario Ministry of Health recommends that all Ontario residents receive the vaccine unless there’s a medical reason not to. It is strongly advised that those who have developed a reaction, have a severe allergy to one of the ingredients or have a neurological disorder not receive the vaccine.

The shot will be administered by a qualified Nurse who will screen each participant. Please consult with your Physician to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the vaccine.

If you are unable to attend this event, free flu shots are also available at your local pharmacy, community clinics and Physician’s office.

If you have questions or experience trouble registering online, please contact Patchardo Mulholland, 416 979 6660 ext. 532, or by email [email protected]