Lunch and Learn with our newest Artist in Residence – Lisa Myers

You are invited to an artist talk with Lisa Myers, our incoming Artist-in-Residence who takes over the AiR studio on September 8th.

Thursday, September 10th
· 12 noon – 1 pm
· WFLC Seminar Room 3
· Coffee/tea will be served. Your lunches are welcome.

Lisa Myers’ work as an artist is influenced by the many years she worked as a cook and by her family stories and history from the Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario regions. She grew up on a farm in Milton and is of Anishinaabe ancestry from Shawanaga and Beausoleil First Nation. Lisa experiments with walking and cooking as ways to think through the ideas in her work.

Lisa begins her residency in September with an exhibition in the WFLC Community Gallery, titled Each Portion. This exhibition will develop over the course of her residency as she produces a new video animation for premiere at Nuit Blanche on Sat. Oct. 3 (sunset to sunrise).

Visit for more information about Lisa Myers.