Gallery Guide connects with great-grandfather’s art featured in Picturing the America’s exhibition

HOR 0417   69077

Recently, in Picturing the Americas, Gallery Guide, Steve Edson, conducted a dot talk on a very special painting- “Lumbermen on the St Maurice.” Painted by his great-grandfather, Allan Edson, in 1868, it is a scene on the St. Maurice River which flows from the north into the St. Lawrence River, at Trois Rivieres. Steve commented that it was an exceptional painting of Allan Edson’s, not only for its scenery, but also for its well painted figures.  Allen Edson, originally from Quebec’s eastern townships,  studied in Europe and proved able to adapt what he had learned abroad to the essential ruggedness of the Canadian landscape. Two other paintings by Allan Edson are hanging in the Canadian Salon on the second floor.

Steve will doing another dot about the painting September 16.  Come check it out!
