What’s New at the AGO?

“What’s new at the AGO?” asks the big signboard on the west wall facing Walker Court.

It could correctly answer: “I am!”

visitor planning board, wall at west side of Walker CourtThis is just one of the three questions that the new signboard asks, and then answers with rotating screens of relevant information:

  • What’s new at the AGO?
  • This is my first visit — where should I go?
  • I am visiting with children — what should we do?

The project, which falls under the Visitor Experience umbrella, is designed to expand the range of ways that people can plan their visit.

It is very much a work in progress. A number of departments (including Information Guides, for example) are involved in exploring how best to develop the system from here.

One upgrade already being planned: little pockets on the board, with print-outs to support the information on-screen.