Trends to Watch For

How do art museums see their role in today’s world? What now shapes their thinking, their shows, and the way they present those shows and the museum itself?

We explored the AGO’s approach in our February 18 post, Art Matters. In it, Judith Koke (Chief, Public Programming and Learning) discussed how recent, current and coming AGO exhibitions all illustrate what we mean when we say, “Art matters.”

Galleria Italia

The AGO’s Galleria Italia, on a sunny day

She also gave the link to a post on MuseumHack entitled, The Ongoing Transformation of the Museum.

Now Judy has suggested another online source: the website for the Centre for the Future of Museums, and their February 19 post, Releasing TrendsWatch 2015 into the Wild.

Six big trends, and their relevance for art museums:

* Open data
* Ethical consumerism
* Personalization
* Changing seascape of museum risk
* Wearable technology
* Slow culture

Curious? Want to know more? Click here.