What A Drag!

Day after day, we offer all our regular Gallery tours — but sometimes we do something really unusual. On holiday Monday (Dec. 29), for example, we offered “What A Drag.”

Just like the title says: it was a chance to be literally dragged around either Level 4 or 5 by energetic high school students, between 1 and 3 p.m., with stops at selected works of art along the way. One visitor at a time, of course!

"What A Drag," Level 4

The event was the brainchild of Annie Wong, a member of Mammalian Diving Reflex, the AGO’s current artists-in-residence. She recruited Parkdale Collegiate students to provide the muscle-power, and also the commentary at each stop.

“We had a rehearsal, and we chose stops that interested us, and we thought would interest visitors,” Beauty-at-a-proper-distance-660says Thamiliny, chief spokesperson for the 4th-level quartette. “For example, Beauty At A Proper Distance / In Song here in the Suzy Lake show. It’s kind of upsetting, but it’s true as well.”

By 2:30 Monday afternoon, her team had already given eight rides — including one for young Luca (his photo and name used with family permission).

L to R: Tsomo, Sefora, Tanzin, Thamiliny; Luca in front

L to R: Tsomo, Sefora, Tanzin, Thamiliny; Luca in front

Luca was their youngest customer of the afternoon, but as happy as everyone else with the experience.

Well, no … He had one complaint. “They didn’t go fast enough! I wanted them to run!”