What is your staff title at the AGO?
I am Coordinator, Volunteer Resource Management, in the Staff & Volunteer Resources Department.
What is your role with the Volunteer Executive (VE)?
I work with Deborah O’Leary (Director, Staff & Volunteer Resources) to support the Volunteer Executive and I help with the administrative details of VE projects. I am also a liaison for the VE with AGO staff members.
What is your background with the AGO?
I began here six years ago, working in Staff & Volunteer Resources (SVR) in the area of staff recruitment. I next held two concurrent part-time positions, one with the Education Department and the other with Program Registration, and then I returned full-time to SVR.
What do you like best about working for the AGO?
I love the fact that I’m working in an environment that supports and employs so many creative people.