What is your title on the Volunteer Executive (VE)?
I’m the VE Secretary.
What is your VE role?
I take the Minutes for each meeting, sending them to the Co-Presidents and the VE members for review before submitting them as “Final.”
What is your AGO volunteer background?
I joined as an Audio Guide Volunteer with the Surreal Things exhibit in 2009. Quite soon after that show closed I became an Information Guide, and first served on the Volunteer Executive as the representative for that Group. Now, in addition to my Friday morning Info Guide shift and my role as VE Secretary, I am also a member of the Communications Committee.
What do you like best about being an AGO volunteer?
Working with people I enjoy in this beautiful building is a huge pleasure — but I think I get the greatest pleasure from helping our visitors have their own individual best possible experience while they’re with us. It’s such a kick, to see their faces light up, and to know they’ll enjoy themselves and go away happy.