Our Volunteer Executive: MICHELLE ABRAMS

What is your title on the Volunteer Executive (VE)?

I am Chair of the Community Relations Portfolio for the VE.

Michelle Abrams, VE member, Info Guide


What is your VE role?

I chair the committee that runs Volunteers Connect, an AGO initiative that brings together interested arts organizations twice a year to share their ideas and knowledge about issues relevant to volunteers. I also sit on the Board of a North American organization called VCAM (Volunteer Committees of Art Museums), where I represent the AGO and the Canadian Great Lakes Region. This allows me to promote the AGO, and bring back new ideas and initiatives to our own community.

What is your AGO volunteer background?

I began in 1993 as a Meeter & Greeter (precursor to Information Guides) and as a costume interpreter at the Grange. After the AGO Transformation, I moved into the role of Information Guide, and was Chair of the Information Guides for a couple of terms.  I am still an Information Guide on Wednesday evenings. As a AGO executive member I have also sat on the Volunteer Strategic Plan Committee, Info Guide Planning Sessions, and on the Board of Trustees as the Volunteer Representative for a term.

What do you like best about being an AGO volunteer?

The AGO Community (staff and volunteers), meeting new people,  sharing ideas and experiences with like individuals, and promoting the AGO.  Plus — it is wonderful to volunteer in a beautiful building with a wonderful art collection.