Meet the Volunteer Executive – Katherine Cossidente, Co-Chair, Evening & Weekend GGs

What is your role on the VEC?
Evening Weekend Gallery Guide Co-chair representative, my responsibility is to provide a report at the monthly VE meeting and to be of service to our volunteer community.  I hope to accomplish during my term on the VE a greater awareness of the continued excellence in service, by recognizing the accomplishments and achievements of the W/E Gallery-guides to the VE and AGO.  One highlight is nominating guides for the Ontario Volunteer Service Award (two past winners: Amanda Ricco and Jean Crawford).
What is your AGO volunteer background?
Started Volunteering as a W/E Gallery Guide in September 2008.
What do you like best about volunteering at the AGO?
One of my favourite things about volunteering at the AGO is all the cool volunteers I have met who share my passion for the Arts and being able to share together our passion and enthusiasm with patrons. The AGO permanent collection has many fascinating works of art; over time many have captured my attention, even more so when one starts to look deeper into a work of arts history as a Gallery Guide.  One of my favourite works of art is the grand biblical painting “Christ Washing his Disciples Feet”, by Jacopo Tintoretto, an inspiring contemplative theme. The story of its acquisition by the AGO volunteer committee is a great one.