Meet the VEC – Debbie Kennedy and Ann Wilcox, Co-Presidents

You’ve seen their pictures up in the Volunteer lounge.  You saw them in person at the Volunteer Annual Gathering.  You may even recall voting for one of them.  But who are the Volunteer Executive Committee?  What exactly does the VEC do? Over the next several weeks we will introduce you to the various members of the VEC – tell you a little about them as volunteers, what their role is on the VEC and what they hope to accomplish this during their term.  We’ll also let you know about the hard-working folks that populate the Staff and Volunteer Resources office.  Read on and learn!

First up: Debbie Kennedy and Ann Wilcox, Co-Presidents


What is your VEC role?

As Co-Presidents, we advocate on behalf of all volunteers with respect to the AGO as an organization.  We sit on the Board of Trustees, as well as on the Grange Council; we consult on the AGO Strategic Plan, representing volunteer interests.  Within the volunteer community we provide dispute resolution and work to implement the Volunteer Strategic Plan.  We share responsibilities equally, and would like to encourage volunteers to approach either one of us with suggestions or concerns.

Do you have any special objectives for your two-year term?

During our two–year term  we plan to continue and build on a number of initiatives started by past-president Phyllis Couzin.  We are keen to continue building a more cohesive volunteer community, finding ways for different groups to work better together, and to enjoy shared training and extra-curricular trips.  We also want to ensure coordination between volunteers and the staff responsible for them.  As volunteer roles evolve, we hope to update the Volunteer Handbook, both online and print versions, to make it more accessible to all volunteers.  We are reviewing the current policies and procedures, rights and responsibilities, including the definition of the Chair position.

What is your AGO Volunteer Background?

Debbie: A long time Torontonian, I studied interior design at Humber College and later art history courses at U of T.  After working in the design industry for several years, I joined the School Program group at the AGO in 2002, where I acted as Co-chair for two years, jumping to the  Daytime Gallery Guides in 2013.  I have participated in a number of committees at the AGO, including the Volunteer/ Staff winter parties and Bar-b-ques, the AGO is a Go, and the Volunteer Annual Gathering.  Along with Ann and past president Phyllis Couzin, I was Co-Chair of the National Docent Symposium in 2009 held at the AGO.  Other interests include participating in book groups, a Scrabble group, travelling and spending time with her grandchildren ages 4 and 2.  My favourite AGO artists include Lawren Harris and David Milne.

Ann: I taught high school English and acted as vice-principal  for the pre-amalgamation Scarborough Board of Education.  I began as an AGO Meet & Greet volunteer (pre-cursor to the current Infoguides), wearing that group’s distinctive red vest for 3 years, before moving to the School Groups  in 2002.  I co-chaired the School Groups for four years before moving to the Day Time GGs in 2009.  I also participated in AGO is a Go and the Volunteer Endowment Trust Committee.  My interests include opera (especially Wagner), reading and travelling.  I too enjoy her grandchildren, ages 9, 7, and 6.  My favourite AGO artist is William Kurelek.

Ann and Debbie may be reached at [email protected]  or [email protected] or 416-979-6660 ext 589.