Out of the Vaults: First Thursday Volunteers Power P&D Pop-Ups

The Prints and Drawings department has been using First Thursdays as an opportunity to bring several of their hidden gems “out of the vaults”  for one-night-only pop-up exhibitions.  Coordinated to each month’s theme, the pop-ups feature10-20 works in an intimate setting that lets viewers get up close. Staff make the selections with occasional volunteer input, then set up the show. A team of three P&D volunteers (plus staff) is on hand during the evening to answer questions (and supervise!).  Viewing time is generally shorter than the full evening, usually 8 – 10 pm only (“Beer and unframed works on paper don’t mix after several hours!”  confirms volunteer Pat Munson).
The pop-ups have proven popular – they may see up to 400 visitors during their two-hour time frame.   Past themes have included classic rock posters to go with Patti Smith and David Bowie, 1920s leisure posters in time for summer, representations of sound on paper to go with the Cardiff/Miller sound installation, and Renaissance-inspired art to go with Revealing the Renaissance. Be sure to drop by next time you attend First Thursday – the November theme is Suzy Lake.