We caught up with AGO artist in residence Ame Henderson just before she completed her residency. You probably saw her second-level wall work near Scissor Stairs, called Rehearsal/Performance — and you may have have seen one of the live performances that took place through August and culminated in September with special presentations at First Night and then Nuit Blanche.
Ame was hard at work on the Gallery’s involvement in Nuit Blanche when we met but, even so, made time for a quick Q&A.
What is your arts background?
I come from the performing arts — a Dance degree from Concordia University in 1988 followed by work in Choreography with the Amsterdam School for the Arts.
What attracted you to an artist in residence position at the AGO?
I knew some artists who had held the position and spoke well of it, so when I was invited to apply, I did so. It’s been great! People have been very supportive.
What were your objectives while here?
Two things. First, I wanted to consider the possibilities for performance in this kind of setting, a major arts institution with a broad public that is not itself performance-based. Second, I wanted to explore the history of performance in this city.
What impact do you feel this residency has had on you?
I’ve developed a deeper understanding of performance making in Toronto. I’m not from here, though I’m now based here, so this is valuable for me. I’ve also gained great respect for the AGO’s emphasis on creating an experience for its different audience segments — children, for example. What people experience here when they’re kids will affect how they understand art for the rest of their lives.
What’s next for you?
A new work for the stage. I’m off to Croatia, where I’ll join a friend and work with her to create a duet.