On behalf of the Volunteer Strategic Planning Committee, I would like to thank all the volunteers who participated in the 2013 Volunteer Survey. We had 52% participation- a good result for our first survey!
In general, the survey results were very positive. Highlights of the survey results include:
* 86% satisfaction with current Volunteer Placement (includes responses for very satisfied/somewhat satisfied)
* The highest score was given to the statement, “I know what is expected of me in my placement”
* The lowest score was given to the statement “In the last 6 months, someone in my placement has talked to me about my progress.”
To date, we have provided several sessions to communicate the survey results. These sessions have been very interactive. There have been many suggestions about different ways to provide recognition and feedback to volunteers. We have also received some comments about the survey process. All feedback will be reviewed by the volunteer executive and staff, so that actions can be planned to address issues/suggestions.
Attached is a copy of the presentation with the survey results. You will need Microsoft power point to read this report. You can also find a hard copy of the report in the volunteer lounge.
AGO Volunteer Survey – Presentation 05-2014
Juan-Pablo Suarez