National Volunteer Week is April 6-12!

National Volunteer Week is April 6-12!

To celebrate we have organized a few (hopefully) interesting sessions throughout that week. Please see the attached flyer (which will also be posted in the Volunteer Lounge and on the Volunteer Website.

Most of the sessions do have space restrictions so please ensure that you sign up quickly if you are interested in something. There are 2 sessions that are open to all:

Bacon Moore Exhibition Volunteer Preview April 7th 1-7pm

Volunteer Rap April 9th 4:30-5pm – Staff that work with volunteers will be performing a rap about volunteering in the Education Commons. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event!

To sign up you can use the online form at:

Or call us at 416-977-0414 x234 and tell us your name, phone number and the sessions that you’d like to attend.

We hope you enjoy!


National Volunteer Week flyer