The Volunteer Executive recognized Gloria for 20 years of exceptional service by nominating her for an Ontario Service Award earlier this year. We asked Gloria to tell us about herself in her own words:
Since training in 1992 with eight other volunteers, I have worked in the Adult/Daytime Guide program. Before that, I was a registered nurse prior to raising my two children. Following the completion of an Honours degree in Fine Art History, a fellow student suggested that I apply to the Docent program that she had recently joined at the AGO.
One of my favourite works in the gallery is Chardin’s Jar of Apricots. I love the immediacy of its imagery – Who left crumbs on the table? Why has the steaming chocolate not been drunk? One of the most memorable moments of my time at the AGO occurred some years ago during an ESL tour. A visitor who had recently emigrated to this country from Vietnam became extremely emotional upon viewing Joe Talirunili’s Migration sculpture. His ESL teacher, who was present, had not been aware of the trauma he had suffered as a result of the conditions on board the boat that brought him to safety.
When I am not volunteering at the AGO I like to hike, play the piano and spend time with my three year old grand daughter. In the coming year I look forward to continuous learning and sharing moments of discovery with our numerous visitors.
Watch for further profiles of our award winners!