Meet the AGO’s Ontario Service Award winners – Keiko Alsop, Infoguides

The Volunteer Executive recognized Keiko for  for 10 years of exceptional service by nominating her for an Ontario Service Award earlier this year.  We asked Keiko to tell us about herself in her own words:

I began volunteering at the gallery in 2003. When I retired from the TDSB, I researched about to get a feel of what was available and suited my interests and needs. Needless to say – the AGO fitted all my criteria. I absolutely enjoy being surrounded by the beautiful and sometimes provocative art work and equally enjoy my colleagues and the staff-what a great group of people! I began as an Audio guide but realized I wanted a more permanent relationship with the AGO. Also worked as a gallery rep. at the CNE, provided Escort service during the gallery renovation time and helped at the Docent Convention a few years back. Apart from the Gallery, I have volunteered at the TDSB as classroom aide and as a tutor of English literacy for adults. As for my professional background– I graduated from the U of T as a pharmacist!

One of the memorable events during my shift some years ago was when a gentleman came up to me and asked to be guided to a BIG oil painting. I assured him that he had come to the perfect venue but did he have a preference as far as the kind of painting he wanted to see? The answer was no – he insisted he just wanted  to see a BIG oil painting. So led him to the Massacre of The Innocents. His jaw dropped and I think he stayed there in wonderment for the longest time. As for myown  favourite work(s) – I enjoy  Canadian art and artists-David Milne, Lauren Harris, Harold Town, Kazuo Nakamura, Norval Morriseau.

Watch for further profiles of our award winners!