It’s a wonderful photo — and it owes a little bit to chance, confesses Gallery Guide Colleen Rae, who took it. On November 18, she and other Gallery Guides were in gallery 121 (part of the Tanenbaum Centre for European Art) with Lloyd DeWitt, the AGO’s Curator of European Art.
She meant to take a picture of the curator talking with the group as he stood next to Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s marble bust of Pope Gregory XV.
What she got was Lloyd DeWitt… and two popes, both of them listening very intently.
No, of course not. Lloyd DeWitt and just one pope, reflected in the protective casing.
But doesn’t that trick of reflection make the photo even more interesting?
(Our thanks to Colleen, for submitting the photo, and our invitation to the rest of you to submit ideas and photos of activities within the AGO, or of interest to AGO volunteers. E-mail address: [email protected] .)