In one sense, Melissa Smith is very new to the AGO. She started work as our fulltime Gallery Guide Coordinator at the beginning of September. In another sense, she has already been here for a long time indeed.
“I grew up with the AGO,” says the Ottawa native over coffee in the Café AGO. Her father had twice-yearly business responsibilities in Toronto, and she and her mother came with him, using the time to visit galleries and museums. The AGO had a permanent, and prominent, place on the list. “I always felt I’d like to work here.”
No wonder the AGO shared her enthusiasm, when the opportunity arose. Melissa has a Master’s degree in Art History, is currently pursuing a Master’s in Museum Studies, and most recently worked at the National Gallery in Ottawa, where she trained and supervised tour-giving education officers.
The approach, she explains, put particular emphasis on visitor interaction, and program accessibility for visitors with special needs. These are two of our own priorities, and both, she says, are dear to her heart.
“I’m passionate about communicating with people about art.” Asked to define the role of a Gallery Guide in today’s world, she grins and quips: “Be a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage.” Serious again, she explains, “This means, have conversations with our visitors. Share with them our own love of, and interest in, art. The AGO is fortunate in its Gallery Guides – they are very skilled, with great depth of knowledge and a great love for sharing it.”
A pause for a sip of coffee. She adds, “I know the members of the AGO’s other volunteer groups are equally knowledgable within their own areas and equally dedicated. Over time, I look forward to learning more about their work, and having contact with them.”