Many of our adult volunteers may have noticed several new, younger faces in the lounge and around the gallery. It can only mean it’s summer camp again and the volunteer ranks have swelled to include youth volunteers.
Working in two-week stints, over 120 youth aged 14-17 help make the AGO’s summer camps run smoothly year after year. From assisting with art activities to helping manage lunch time to just being like a fun and friendly older brother or sister, camp volunteers work long hours with kids of all ages. While many have an art background, all are enthusiastic about working with kids.
Still, it’s an intense, hands on job – four hours in the studio, lunch with the campers, as well as voluntary after care duties. They also help campers navigate through the gallery and back and forth from the park. With so many eager helpers, the AGO is able to achieve an almost 1:2 counsellor to camper ratio, helping ensure not just safety but also a positive experience for campers and much appreciated support for staff. They are essential to the success of the camp, says Jane Lott (Coordinator, Children and Families)
The AGO camps are very popular, running four two-week sessions plus an extra one-week final session that goes right to the Labour Day weekend, meaning there’s lot of help needed. From cartooning to architecture, there’s enough variety that the AGO is usually able to match volunteers with their interest area.
Many start out to get their required 40 volunteer hours for high school graduation, but end up coming back the following summer, for March Break camps, or to help on Family Sundays. Some even stay on to eventually become counselors and then lead counselors. It’s not hard to see why – they get to have fun, get great experience, and meet new friends. And the staff make them feel part of the team, even giving them title of Assistant Counsellor.
Jane noted happily that the camp volunteers have felt at home in the volunteer lounge along side adult volunteers, as part of the wider AGO volunteer team. Be sure to say hi next time you see one of our youth volunteers!