Reader Response: AGO Alumni Group

To the Communications Committee, and the AGO volunteer community,


This spring the AGO Volunteer Executive initiated a new group within the AGO family of volunteers. On May 15th  (as reported on this blog on

Shelagh welcomes the AGO Volunteer Alumni

Shelagh welcomes the AGO Volunteer Alumni

May 18), VE President Phyllis Couzin and other members of the Executive welcomed back past volunteers at a Tea in the Weston Family Learning Centre.

They responded enthusiastically to the invitation to reconnect with the AGO as alumni. Here are a few of the comments we received after the inaugural event.

  •  “AGO Alumni, good job thank you so much.  A lovely gathering and tour and so many reminders of our many volunteer years.”
  •  “The Alumni Tea was such a delightful occasion. I had not intended to stay the whole time, but it was far too much fun to leave. Thank you for making it happen. It was very nice to see the staff, and much appreciated that they took the time to join us.”
  •  “It was great to see so many familiar faces and get caught up. Thank you again, enjoy the summer and hope to see you at the Fall Volunteer Annual Gathering.”


Shelagh Barrington

Chair, Volunteer Alumni


P.S. Can you help? Please contact us via [email protected] if you know former volunteers who’d like to hear about the new Alumni Group. Criterion for membership: minimum 5 years of volunteer service prior to Transformation. Thank you!