New DVD in Library – Art in the Making; Italian Painting Before 1400

Art in the MakingMake sure to check out a DVD that the AGO’s library has just received –Art in the Making; Italian Painting Before 1400, National Gallery (London).

This DVD will be available in the library’s Media Zone – a new area just inside the library doors where you can watch video or listen to audio.
The film examines the materials used in painting in Italy between 1270 and 1370 and demonstrates how modern technology has increased our understanding of medieval panel painting.  The National Gallery’s Conservation and Framing Departments explain the many stages of creating an altarpiece, including making gesso, water gilding, burnishing, pigment grinding, and painting with egg tempera.  These techniques are demonstrated with links to paintings by such masters as Duccio, Nardo and Jacopo di Cione.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected], or ext. 353.