AGO volunteers have a great history of reaching out to share experiences with other volunteers – and of taking the lead in creating organizations to facilitate the connection.
- One example: VCAM (Volunteer Committees of Art Museums), a North America-wide network that meets every three years, which was founded right here in 1952.
- Another example: Volunteers Connect, a GTA-focused group founded to build on the relationships developed among local organizations for the National Docent Symposium hosted by the AGO in 2009.
AGO Volunteer Executive (VE) members Fran Hogg and Michelle Abrams guided Volunteers Connect through its formation and initial meetings. This past summer, after Fran’s retirement from the VE, Michelle welcomed two new members to her committee: Judith Fox (Info Guide) and Felicia Cohen (evening/weekend Gallery Guide).
On November 15, after months of preparation, Judith and Felicia experienced their first Volunteers Connect.
That day representatives of other regional organizations joined AGO participants here at the Gallery to share ideas on two topics: Volunteer Training and Orientation (presentation by Christina Pegues, Gardiner Museum) and Volunteer Leadership (presentation by Phyllis Couzin, president, AGO Volunteer Executive).
“I think Volunteer Connect is a great idea,” says Felicia, who joined the committee because she liked the challenge of helping to expand its institutional representation.
“I could see that people there were sharing views with each other, and felt they were receiving relevant information.”
She adds, “There was nice even participation as well. Sometimes one person can dominate a gathering, but that didn’t happen here.”
Judith had the same reaction. “I loved the friendliness of the group, the way people pitched in to help each other out as they discussed challenges they were facing.
“I think some of the first-time participants were a little reticent at first, but they were soon at ease and… and passionate. You could see eyes light up when something clicked. It was so positive, so open, so enjoyable.”
The two women are already looking forward to the spring gathering. Felicia speaks for them both when she says, “I hope to do even more, contribute even more.”