On Monday, November 12, the two Listening Sessions for the draft Volunteer Strategic Plan (VSP) took place – and resulted in a lot of good feedback, which is just what the VSP team was looking for.
Volunteers who responded to the open invitation and registered for a Session received the draft document in advance, and came to their chosen Session ready to hear more about the draft and to offer their own ideas in return.
“We want to thank everyone who took part,” says Phyllis Couzin, President of the Volunteer Executive and a member of the volunteer/staff team responsible for creating the new Volunteer Strategic Plan. “People came to the Sessions prepared, and everyone participated in the discussions.”
As was stressed at the time, the current document is just a draft. Next steps: the VSP team will consider the input they received during the Sessions, and revise the draft.
“We will be getting back to participating volunteers with our follow-up in early January,” says Phyllis. “Stay tuned!”