Sybil’s Socks Say…. TWEET!!

Here’s how it happened.

  • On Friday, October 19,  AGO Recuitment Volunteer Sybil Wilkinson bought herself a pair of the amazing Frida Kahlo socks ($19.50) available in Shop AGO.
  • On Saturday, October 20, she wore them to another of her volunteer commitments, a reading at the International Festival of Authors down at Harbourfront Centre.
  • And by Saturday evening, they were all over the Twitter-verse.



That’s because the CBC’s Shelagh Rogers, host for the reading (and sporting the cross-cross tights you see on the right), sent this photo out as a Tweet.

“We were taking a break afterwards,” recalls Sybil. “Shelagh noticed my socks and said she just had to have a photo. Once she Tweeted it, it went all over the place and raised a lot of interest. Anybody who asks me, I send them to our gift shop!”

Sybil, some 33 years an AGO volunteer, urges the rest of us to go have a look ourselves – and she adds a word of advice. If you like them, buy them now.  This is the voice of experience speaking.  “I decided not to buy the Picasso socks until they went on sale at the end of the show. But by then, there were none left.”

Sybil still hopes a pair might turn up in a back storeroom corner somewhere. “Then I could even wear one Frida, one Picasso!”